WP-Codebox fix so that it doesn’t prevent posts export

If you have a PHP configured with some open_basedir restriction (which is recommended), the WP-Codebox plugin will prevent you from exporting the posts of your blog. Go to your blog, go in the “wp-content/plugins/wp-codebox” dir and edit the “wp-codebox.php” file : On line 27, you should have : include_once "../../../wp-config.php"; include_once "../../../wp-settings.php"; Well, it fails because the plugin doesn’t use the good practices, so it’s pretty easy to fix :...

May 15, 2010 · Florent Clairambault

WP Codebox Quick fix for WordPress 2.9

This bug has been fixed !I like to have the latest version of WordPress, this is why I use the SVN version. And recently the CSS of the “WP Codebox” plugin stopped working. Here the explanation and the solution : It seems that starting with the 2.9 version, you can register the styles in the wp_print_scripts action method. So in the wp-codebox.php file, you have to put this : add_action('wp_print_scripts', 'Codebox_ScriptsAction'); function Codebox_ScriptsAction () { $cb_path = get_bloginfo('wpurl') ....

December 7, 2009 · Florent Clairambault