The M2MP protocol

Moved to github This has been moved to github. Still as a backup: Motivations Transmit and receive in real-time Transmit as few data as possible Send and receive any kind of data Basics So the basic ideas are to : Keep a TCP connection open all the time by sending regular keep-alive frames. Define named channels that are only transmitted once (to reduce data consumption) Send byte array, and two-dimensionnal byte arrays on these channels We rely on the TCP protocol for packet checksuming, packet ordering and every little things it does very well We send these kind of frames : ...

December 12, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

TC65 : Settings management

Someone recently asked me and the javacint group how we should handle settings. So I’ll give you two answers : ejw’s reply : You should use some simple DataInputStream and DataOutputStream objects. Mine : If you only store simple values (numbers and text), you should use a simple text file. It enables you to easily see and modify settings outside the TC65. So, my little gift of today will be a simple settings management class. The idea is that this file is in a very simple format (that can be read in any PC) and it only stores settings that have changed. This is very important, it allows you to change the default behavior at next software update but also enable you to override some of the settings for each chip (like the last IMSI identifier of the SIM card). ...

December 11, 2009 · Florent Clairambault