LinQ to Entities on ADO.Net vs LinQ to SQL

Overview To make it short : LinQ to SQL only works with SQL Server but it’s working great. It’s simple, supports all LinQ operations and optimizes the generated SQL queries. LinQ to Entities on ADO.Net works with lots of database but it doesn’t behave like LinQ to SQL and doesn’t support some key LinQ features. Now the long story : For the last project I’ve been working on, we wanted to use LinQ and still be able to switch to one database to an other (MSSQL to MySQL for instance). So we decided we would use LinQ to entity. The generated object are roughly the same, the code to Create/Read/Update/Delete data is roughly the same. So we were quite happy. ...

October 4, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

MySQL Master-Master desynchronization

Settings a master-master synchronization is pretty easy. You can find a quick guide to do this on google, just try. What is a little bit more problematic is when you lose your loved sync. And that can happen. It happened to me yesterday, I upgraded my two servers from Debian 4.0 to Debian 5.0. The reason is that the old version (something like 5.0.32) used the Relay_Log_File ${hostname}-relay-bin.XXXXXX. And the new version (5.0.51a-24-log) decided to use mysqld-relay-bin.XXXXXX. ...

March 25, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

Odd things about MySQL

Today, I optimized a MySQL query to find spatial points by proximity. Initially, my query took an average of 250 ms. After some research, I came across a document from MySQL. By following their recommendation to use a preliminary approximation via a bounding box, I was able to reduce the query time to a range of 5 to 35 ms. However, as I continued reading, I discovered that MySQL also offers a spatial extension based on R-Tree. I thought I had found the perfect solution. But no, R-Trees are only available with the MyISAM engine, and creating spatial indexes is not allowed in InnoDB. The same goes for FULLTEXT indexes, which are also not available in InnoDB. ...

November 30, 2007 · Florent Clairambault