Kindle: Sync is magic

I bought a Kindle. It might sound strange considering I already have an iPad, but I couldn’t help myself to buy a “e-ink” enabled device. The user experience around the Kindle is OK but not great, because it’s not a touch screen. The real amazing thing is the sync between amazon, the kindle and all the other possible devices. There’s the sync when you buy a book. It appears instantly on the device. This feeling is so great. You do the “one click buy” and plop, you can read it. I know you can download most of the ebooks for free. But it takes at least 10 times more time. And I think we should prefer to download things legally when it’s at a fair price and faster to download than illegally. And there’s the sync between your devices: I can read the same book on my iPad (better at night), my iPhone (I always have it) or the kindle. And every time I open any of these devices, it tells me “You were last reading on page X on this device, do you want to go there ?”. So thank you amazon for making a better world. ...

November 1, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

TC65 Development document updated

Same title. I wish I was more original. I’ve been missing writing on this blog. It’s very fulfilling to write stuff around subjects we love. Outdated This doc has been moved to the javacint website. What’s new in this document ? Netbeans 7.0 with the TC65i The use of pre-processor Small thougths around the EGS5. Personnal advices on project/product management This can be considered as a draft. I’m waiting for your comments, even (or especially) negative ones, to help me improve this document. ...

September 6, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

C++ optimization

I’ve been working in a company for two years now (which is the longest time I have ever worked in the same company). I wasn’t supposed to do a lot of C++ but this is what I ended up doing and on a calculation intensive software. I ended up having to learn a thing or two about improving performances. I wrote these lines for new comers to the C++ performance optimizing problems. ...

August 6, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

TC65 Development document updated

Hi everyone, I updated the TC65Dev document. Mostly because there’s a good chance I will only have less free time. I modified few parts and added some new content. It is now 50 pages long, this is a lot more than I originally intended to do. Click here to get it

March 30, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

Mon iPad 2

Je suis allé samedi matin à 9h30 devant l’apple store d’Opéra et j’ai eu mon iPad 2 une heure plus tard. Ce qui m’a le plus surpris c’est l’attitude des vendeurs, on vous vend la cool/mac attitude en même temps que l’iPad. J’ai pris une version Wifi donc pas de géoloc par GPS. L’iPad ne me géolocalisait pas du tout, c’est assez gênant pour les applis comme Allociné qui proposent des séances “à proximité”, ou google maps pour les commerces “à proximité”. Après une mise à jour de 4.3 vers 4.3.1 plus aucun soucis, j’étais localisé à 50m près. Le plus fort c’est que la géolocalisation évolue quand je bouge dans l’appart. Donc la géoloc par wifi bien que peu précise est tout à fait utilisable. ...

March 29, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

iOS 4.3 – iPhone 3G internet WiFi Sharing

I just tested the sharing of the iPhone 3G internet connection that comes with iOS 4.3. And it works great. I think Apple figured out that sharing 3G over WiFi was the main reason for jailbreaking iPhones. Until now I was wondering if I would take the 3G or Wifi iPad 2. Now I’m pretty sure I will take the WiFi version. The good news here is also that Bouygues doesn’t seem to lock it (I accepted the mobile provider settings from the iTunes just after I updated the iPhone). ...

March 10, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

Debian 6.0

Debian released a new version of their system. I updated it on the server that powers this blog, it took me something like one hour to do the whole system upgrade. There was only a little glitch with mysql’s my.cnf file that had an unsupported “skip-bdb” line. Everything else went fine… The very good thing in this new release is the new kfreebsd version (available in i386 and x86_64). It brings the power of the FreeBSD kernel to the great Debian OS. If you don’t see the point, read this. To put in a nutshell: a more stable kernel with less legal issues, better vendors support and the same softwares. ...

February 7, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

Serait-ce vraiment plus facile d’entreprendre aux US ?

This is a french post because it is about a french article I just read. Je viens de lire un article d’un entrepreneur qui raconte les choses comme elles sont et non pas “le discours à donner pour vendre ma success-story et faire mon buzz” : Interview de Patrick Merel, Fondateur de Portable Genomics à San Diego. Le plus épatant c’est cette partie: “[…]j’ai vite compris que le passage, hélas, obligé pour un projet émergent innovant, était le concours “OSEO”. […] Bien évidemment, OSEO m’a dit non.[…]Ce qui m’a pourri la vie quand même, c’est que par la suite, toutes les institutions françaises d’aide à la création que j’ai pu rencontrées, m’ont toutes demandé, avant de me fournir de l’aide, “Avez-vous été lauréat du concours OSEO?”, la question qui tue.” ...

January 21, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

Freebox v6

J’ai la Freebox V6… Update 21/02/2011 Je viens d’emménager dans mon nouvel appart et j’ai pu découvrir que les freeplugs ne s’associent pas. Je vais avoir le droit à remplacement par UPS mais je ne suis, apparemment, pas le seul. Je risque d’attendre un petit bout de temps. Donc je vais m’acheter des blocs CPL ailleurs.

January 20, 2011 · Florent Clairambault

Google, the cloud and WebKit

The cloud Webkit Google Chrome OS I just saw a facebook friend wall page: BTW, I applied too. So Google actually started his Google Chrome computer test program. There’s just one thing I don’t understand here. The iPad (I’ll buy the next version) is centered on the usage: Your read your mails, play and stay informed on your couch. Android is about making better phones to reduce the gaps between the iPhone and the stupid phone constructors OS. Desktop computers are here, well because we sometimes do have to work. ...

January 15, 2011 · Florent Clairambault