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You might have faced this error with your X765 chip. The program crashes with this error :

^EXIT 00010000,02d6414253485f4c434c2c70726f6365647572655265636f72645f702d3e6e756d6265724f66526567697374657265645461736b73203c3d204d41585f4e4f5f524547495354455245445f5441534b53

If you convert the hex array to some text, that will give you :

#ABSH_LCL,procedureRecord_p->numberOfRegisteredTasks <= MAX_NO_REGISTERED_TASKS

Which might mean something to someone. But the point is, you won’t find any help. Mostly because it’s an uncommon error.

The error comes from the GPRS connection management. I had it when I was using a wrong APN (with the “AT^SJNET” command) to connect to a host. In my program, connection failed with a classic IOException (“Profile not found”) but 1 or 2 minutes later, the chip was ALWAYS crashed (with the “^EXIT” URC). So, the only solution I found to correct this problem was to automatically detect which APN is required.

This might also improve the ease of deployment of your programs. I like putting as much as possible auto-detection / auto-configuration code as possible. It takes a little time to write it but saves a lot of troubles (last minute configuration, human errors, human explanations, etc.).

The APN auto-detection code is like that :

public static String AutoDetectApn( ATCommand atc ) {
    String[] apnList = {
        "\"gprs\",\"objcobytel.com\",\"\",\"\",\"\",0", // Bouygues Telecom : "Objet communiquant" / "ObjetCo" / "ObjCo"
   synchronized (atc) {
        System.out.println( "Waiting 30s..." );
        try {
            Thread.sleep( 30000 );
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        for (int i = ; i < apnList.length; ++i) {
            try {
                String apn = apnList[i];
                System.out.println( "Trying apn " + apn + "..." );
                atc.send( "AT^SJNET=" + apn + "\r" );
                SocketConnection conn = (SocketConnection) Connector.open( "socket://" );
                return apn;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println( "Failed : " + ex.getClass() + " : " + ex.getMessage() );
    // We couldn't find any APN
    return null;

And it is only launched when the SIM Card has been changed. To detect that, I have some simple code like this :

{ // APN auto-detection
    String imsi;
    synchronized (atc) {
         imsi = Common.getIMSI( atc );
    if (settings.confLastImsi.compareTo( imsi ) != ) {
        System.out.println( "Sim card changed ! Auto-detecting APN..." );
        synchronized (atc) {
            String apn = Common.AutoDetectApn( atc );
            if (apn != null)
                reg.confAPN = apn;
        settings.confLastImsi = imsi;
        // Whatever happens, we still need to save the current IMSI
