GAC Download Cache

There’s one little feature that you must have totally forgotten in the .Net framework, but it is great. We can tell our apps to download automatically some DLL we would expect to be in the GAC and that are not. This is one freaking great feature. Instead of forcing your users to install the librairies in their GAC or including the libraries with your applications, you can specify the URL(s) of the DLL(s) your software application depends on....

June 25, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

Access your Google Latitude position from PHP

The code to access your Google Latitude position is even simpler in PHP than it is in .Net : <?PHP header('Content-Type: text/plain'); $userId = '5616045291659744796'; if ( $_GET['user'] ) { if ( is_numeric( $_GET['user'] ) ) $userId = $_GET['user']; else exit('This isn\'t a valid user id.'); } $url = ''.$userId.'&type=json'; // We get the content $content = file_get_contents( $url ); // We convert the JSON to an object $json = json_decode( $content ); $coord = $json->features[0]->geometry->coordinates; $timeStamp = $json->features[0]->properties->timeStamp; if ( !...

June 22, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

Access your Google Latitude position from a .Net app

When I saw that Google Latitude now enables you to access your data by a JSON feed, I decided to make it communicate with a little GPS tracking project of mine. I’m really found of all these ways we now have to make anything communicate with anything. You can build interfaces from any system to any other system really easily. This code enables you to automatically get your GPS position (or the position of a friend) from your JSON Latitude feed....

June 22, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

SPGridView : Filtering

I wanted to use a little SPGridView in a software and had a little problem. First of all, in order to use filtering on a SPGridView, you have to give an ObjectDataSource by it’s control’s ID. For anything else, you can use the DataSource property directly. The best sample code I could fin on the net was this one : Creating the SPGridView with sorting and adding filtering. This example is great because it only shows the basic requirements to setup a SPGridView and it gives you a clean way to build the ObjectDataSource and it explains step by step why you have to do things this way (in Sharepoint, it’s very important)....

June 21, 2009 · Florent Clairambault


I talked some time ago about a library I made to take advantage of the kernel network events. I now release it and explain how to use it. It can help people to do some little network software without knowing where to start from. I built it for network servers made to communicate with remotely connected embedded chips. I wanted to be able to always stay in touch with a huge number of chips without any real cost....

June 17, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

C# 4.0

I tested it in VS2010. Which is beautiful by the way, I like the WPF rendering. And I’m happy they didn’t disable the possibility to generate .Net 2.0 assemblies. I wanted to test the new historical debugger functionnality, which enable you to see the state of variable in the past time, but I didn’t take the Team System Edition (and I’m too lazy to download it again). named and optionnal arguments...

June 16, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

MOSS 2007 : Managing search properties

In Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server, you have a powerful search service. It can’t say I like everything in sharepoint but the MOSS Search Engine is really amazing. It enables to search fulltext on everything and also to filter precisely your results by searching on columns at the same time. But the MOSS search engine isn’t as easy as searching directly in CAML. You have to prepare managed properties (from your lists columns) to be able to search on them....

June 13, 2009 · Florent Clairambault


I made some few changes to the SMSOTAP program for the TC65 : I removed the time limit, it’s stable enough to do not force you to update it frequently. It now uses class 1, PID 7d messages instead of class 0, PID 00 compatibility mode (it doesn’t change anything). It generates OTAP SMS only with the parameters you specifiy and use as few SMS as possible. Most of the time, you can use only one OTAP SMS It will prevent you from sending SMS above 140 chars in 8 bits and 160 chars in 7 bits....

June 12, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

Sharepoint : The 0x80020009 (DISP_E_EXCEPTION) error

If you’re faced with that error, you should know that it doesn’t mean anything except you have a problem. Lots of people have written posts about it, but most of their explanations are wrong. It just means that sharepoint didn’t like what you did somewhere in your masterpage, your page, your webpart, your user control or anything else. For me, it was because I used the SPWeb.GetListFromUrl method to test if the user actually had access to a list....

June 3, 2009 · Florent Clairambault

One weird bug on the XT75

WARNING: All the Cinterion related content from this blog will be removed to go to the javacint wikisoon. Please get used to going there.You might have faced this error with your X765 chip. The program crashes with this error : ^EXIT 00010000,02d6414253485f4c434c2c70726f6365647572655265636f72645f702d3e6e756d6265724f66526567697374657265645461736b73203c3d204d41585f4e4f5f524547495354455245445f5441534b53 ^SHUTDOWN If you convert the hex array to some text, that will give you : #ABSH_LCL,procedureRecord_p->numberOfRegisteredTasks <= MAX_NO_REGISTERED_TASKS Which might mean something to someone. But the point is, you won’t find any help....

May 30, 2009 · Florent Clairambault